Authors/Henry of Ghent/Quodlibeta/Quodlibet I/Quaestio 23

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[176] [QUAESTIO 23 UTRUM PARVULUS ISTE AEQUALEM POENAM SUSTINEAT PRO SUO ORIGINALI CUM PARVULO SARRACENI] [Whether that child receives an equal punishment for his original sin as the child of a Sarracen[1]]
Tertia quaestio proponebatur sine argumento, et ideo breviter dicendum ad ipsam, quod in parvulis omnibus originale peccatum aequale est et aequalis poena ei debetur in omnibus, poena damni scilicet, ut carentiae divinae visionis, quae est pura privatio, in qua non cadunt magis et minus, nulla autem sensus, in qua magis et minus locum habere possunt. Et ideo, cum, ut iam dictum est, parvulo decedente sine baptismo, in nullo suffragantur secundum communem legem merita aut fides parentum, aequalis erit damnatio et poena parvuli fidelis discedentis sine baptismo et Sarraceni. The third question was put forward without an argument, and thus it should briefly be said to it that in all children, original sin is equal, and there is an equal punishment owing for it in all, namely the punishment of the damned, as of the lacking of the vision of the divine, which is pure privation, in which greater and less does not fall, and which is no sensation (in which greater and less can have a place).  And since, as was already said, when a child departs life [decedentis] without baptism, neither merit [merita] nor the faith of the parents support them in anything, according to the common law, therefore the damnation and the punishment of the child of the faithful dying [discedentis] without baptism will be equal.


  1. I.e. an Arab, and by implication a Muslim