Hyman and Walsh 1983

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Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions. By Hyman, Arthur, with James J. Walsh, ed. 1983. A list of selections prepared by the authors, based on their experience in teaching medieval philosophy, and translated into English. Includes Augustine and Boethius, Islamic and Jewish sources, as well as the standarda thirteenth and fourteenth century authors.

CONTENTS (3rd edition)

Preface to the Third Edition (2010)


Early Medieval Christian Philosophy

1. The Teacher (complete)
2. On Free Choice of the Will 2.3-3.6
3. Reconsiderations 1.9
4. On the Trinity 15.12.21
5. Confessions 2.4—2.10
6. Confessions 7.9-7.16
7. Confessions 11.3-11.28
8. City of God 19.3-19.28
9. The Consolation of Philosophy 3,9—end
10. Contra Eutychen 1.1-1.71
11. On ihe Trinity 1.7-2.58
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
12. The Mystical Theology (complete)
John Scottus Eriugena
13. On the Division of Nature
14. Monologion 1-4
15. Proslogion and the Exchange with Gaunilo
Peter Abelard
16. Glosses on Porphyry
17. Ethics, or Know Thyself

Islamic Philosophy

18. The Principles of Existing Things (complete)
Ibn Sina
19. The Salvation, "Metaphysics" 2.1-2.5, 2.12, 2.13, 2.18, 2.19
20. The Cure, "Metaphysics" 6.1-6.2
21. The Salvation, "Psychology" 6.9, 6.12, 6.13
22. The Cure, "The Soul" 5.7
23. The Incoherence of the Philosophers, On the Eternity of the World
24. The Incoherence of the Philosophers, Concerning the Natural Sciences
Ibn Rushd
25. The Decisive Treatise (complete)
26. Long Commentary on "The Soul" 3.4
27. Long Commentary on "The Soul" 3.5, 3.18-3.20 306
28. The Incoherence of "The Incoherence"

Jewish Philosophy

29. Book of Doctrines and Beliefs 1.1-1.3, 3.1-3.3
Solomon ibn Gabirol
30. The Fountain of Life
Moses Maimonides
31. The Guide of the Perplexed
Levi ben Gershom
32. The Wars of the Lord 3.1-3.6
Hasdai Crescas
33. The Light of the Lord 2.6.1

Latin Philosophy in the Thirteenth Century

34. Conferences on the Hexaemeron 3.7
35. Conferences on the Hexaemeron 1.3
36. The Mind's Journey into God (complete)
Siger of Brabant
37. Question on the Eternity of the World (complete)
Thomas Aquinas
38. On Being and Essence
39. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the "Treatise on God"
40. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the "Treatise on Creation"
41. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the "Treatise on Human Nature'
42. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the "Treatise on Happiness"
43. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the Treatise on Virtue"
44. Summa Theologiae, Selections from the "Treatise on Law"
The Condemnation of 1277
45. Condemnation of 219 Propositions

Latin Philosophy in the Fourteenth Century

John Duns Scotus
46. The Existence of an Infinite Being
47. The Possibility of Knowing God
48. Against Illumination and Skepticism
49. Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition
50. Universals and Individuation
51. Contingency and the Divine Will
52. Freedom and the Fall
53. The Goodness of Moral Acts
54. The Decalogue and the Natural Law
William of Ockham
55. Selections from Summa Logicae. Part One
56. Universals and Individuation
57. Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition
58. Relations
59. Motion
60. Projectile Motion
61. Efficient and Final Causality
62. The Connection of the Virtues
Nicholas of Autrecourt
63. Letters to Bernard of Arezzo
Marsilius of Padua
64. The Defender of Peace
John Buridan
65. Certainty and Truth
66. Knowledge
67. Essence and Existence
68. Motion
69. Happiness
Select Bibliography