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- [album] album delendum censeo
- [...] quaedam omisi
- (?) de lectione vocis praecedentis dubitare licet
- [[album]] album deletum habet codex
- <album> album, quod numquam in codice vel codicibus fuit addendum censeo
- <<album>> album, iam deperditum vel invisibile, in codice integro extitisse puto
- \album/ album secundario (inter lineas vel in mg.) inseruit scriba
- *** lacuna a scriba indicata
- <***> lacuna a me statuta
- +album ac+ verba album ac corrupta esse puto
- ... vox quam vel litterae quas legere nequivi
- alb() quae litterae post alb scribendae sint propter compendium non liquet
- + album P album addidit codex P
- album vel albi P utrum hoc vel illud praebeat codex P mihi non liquet
- add. addidit /addiderunt
- def. deficit
- om. omisit/omiserunt
Worcester 13
Signs in the text
- <...> added by editor
- [...] delenda
- +...+ corrupt stretch of text
- ‘...’ secondary additions in ms (whether by text scribe or by corrector)
- <***> lacuna not marked in ms
- <<...>> letters lost by wear of ms or illegible on the microfilm
- (?) reading of preceding word uncertain
Signs in apparatus
- add. Addidit
- del. Delevit
- exp. Expunxit
- om. Omisit
- +est P = est add. P
- a.c./ p.c. ante/post correcturam
Logic Museum
Some of the signs above are escape characters in wiki markup (or in html), so the following conventions will be used.
- {album} the word album is not in the codex but should be added
- {[album]} the codex has album deleted .