On this site:

Medieval and Latin
Suarez' Metaphysical Disputation 40
Aquinas on the Names of God (Summa Theologiae I. 1. Q13)
The Athanasian Creed
Ockham on Future Tense Propositions
Defining Nominalism
Prologue from St Bonaventura's commentary on the sentences. Includes pictures from from 1493 edition.
Eternity section (may take some time)

Traditional Logic
Chapter II of The Nature of Truth, (Harold Joachim)
The Principles of Logic (G.H. Joyce)
A Brief Account of Aristotle's Logic (Thomas Reid)
Mill on Essential Propositions
Joseph on Essential Propositions
Logic article originally published in Encyclopedia Britannica 1911 (Thomas Case)
Connotation, Denotation and other things too
The Square of Opposition
The Myth of Ockham's Razor
The Hypothetical Syllogism
Logical Form

The Principles of Mathematics (Bertrand Russell)
Philosophy and the Infinite (various writers)
Cantor's Philosophical Writing
Wittgenstein and the Infinite
On an Elementary Question of Set Theory (Georg Cantor)
Moore on Skolem's Paradox
A brief history of classes

Afterlife section
The ontological argument

On other sites:

Medieval and Latin
Summa Totius Logicae (William of Ockham)
Disputationes Metaphysicae The complete Metaphysical Disputations of Francisco Suarez
Corpus Thomisticum (works of St. Thomas Aquinas, including the logical works attributed to him).
The Electronic Grosseteste is a web-site dedicated to providing electronic access to the Latin works of Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253).
Peter King's web page has many papers by the great man, plus plaintext sources (Latin only) from many scholastics including Boethius, Anselm, Abelard and others.
The Summa Theologiae, in English.
The Internet Classics ArchiveClassics of ancient literature and philosophy. Well indexed (by line).
Collection of Web books at University of Adelaide, including many early modern texts. Poorly indexed, however.
The Franciscan Archive has many parallel Latin English texts, if you can bear the eccentric navigation. Includes the current project to translate Peter Lombard's Book of Sentences.
Hugh McDonald's Aquinas Page has many links to parallel texts, plus some of his own translations.
The Richard Rufus Project.
Centrul de Filosofie Antică si Medievală Includes texts by Siger of Brabant and Boetius of Dacia
Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe Home page See in particular here, for material on the nominalist logician Jerónimo Pardo, who flourished in Paris between 1481-1525.

Other bits and pieces
Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1901) is an excellent source on late nineteenth century logic and philosophy, with articles by Peirce, Royce, Pringle Pattison and others. Unfortunately, the site covers only the letters A to M, thus omitting the articles on philosophy, and on the proposition, for example. The following articles are of interest
    Judgment, by Baldwin.
    Logic, by C.S. Peirce and Christine Ladd-Franklin.
    Individual, by Royce
    Individual (logic) by Peirce
Note that Cantor gets four mentions, Dedekind six, Brentano nine, but there is no mention at all of Frege.
Logic (W.E. Johnson) Andrew Chrucky's site here has good material on Broad also.
T.P. Uschanov has a good site on Ordinary Language Philosophy.  The thesis that before 'Logic' meant Mathematical Logic, it meant what 'Linguistic Philosophy' now means, is a topic for debate, which I haven't got round to debating.  However, for an abusive reaction to the very idea, see here.
Alain Blachair's amazing site. Has masses of electronic texts in Latin, German and French, some of which to be honest found its way here. Do visit.
St Augustine's works in Latin
Verteilte Digitale Inkunabelbibliothek University of Cologne, digital incunabula project
Wolfenbüttler Digitale Bibliothek

THE LOGIC MUSEUM Copyright © E.D.Buckner 2006.