Authors/Ockham/Summa Logicae/Book III-3/Chapter 44
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Latin | English |
CAP. 44. DE QUINTA SPECIE OBLIGATIONIS, QUAE DICITUR DUBITATIO. | Chapter 44. On the fifth type of obligation, qhuch is called uncertainty. |
Quinta species obligationis ponitur dubitatio. Et est dubitatio obligatio ad sustinendum aliquid tamquam dubium. | The fifth type of obligation is uncertainty. And uncertainty is an obligation to support something as doubtful. |
Unde regulae sunt istae: ad omne dubitatum, tempore dubitationis propositum, respondendum est dubie; similiter ad convertibile cum dubitato, scitum esse tale, respondendum est dubie; similiter ad contradictorium dubitati respondendum est dubie; ad consequens falsum respondendum est dubie; ad consequens verum respondendum est concedendo; ad antecedens falsum respondendum est negando; ad antecedens verum respondendum est dubie; ad repugnans non contradictorium nec convertibile respondendum est secundum sui qualitatem; ad impertinens respondendum est secundum sui qualitatem. | Whence these are the rules: to every doubt, when uncertainty is proposed, must be answered with doubt; In the same way, when it is doubtful whether it is known to be convertible, it must be answered with doubt. in the same way, to the contradictory of doubt, one must answer with doubt; the false conclusion must be answered doubtfully; to the consequent truth we must answer by conceding; to the preceding falsity we must answer by denying; The answer to the preceding truth is doubtful; to what is inconsistent, neither contradictory nor convertible, the irrelevant must be answered according to its own quality. |