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Welcome to The Logic Museum, a site devoted to the history of Logic up to and including the period of Frege and Russell. The HOME page is here. This is the index of authors and titles. You can sort by name of author, title, or date, by clicking on the column headings. Because sorting in html is relatively stupid, I had to separate works written before the Common Era (i.e. those by Aristotle) from those written after. Obviously for those written before, you have to sort in the opposite order, i.e. a work written in 370 B.C. was written before one written in 240 B.C. This is something we should have picked up in primary school but I always find it a little tricky (as I do the odd fact that a work written in 1265 was written in the 13th century, which seems to have been designed to confuse). |
Author | Title | Approx. date |
Abelard, Peter | Historia Calamitum Mearum | 1132 |
Abelard, Peter | Super librum Perihermeneias | 1121 |
Anselm | Monologion | 1076 |
Anselm | Proslogion | 1076 |
Aquinas, Thomas | Summa Theologica | 1265 |
Aquinas, Thomas | De Potentia | 1259 |
Aquinas, Thomas | In duodecim libros Metaphysicorum expositio | 1270 |
Aquinas, Thomas | De rationibus fidei | 1261 |
Aquinas, Thomas | In Perihermeniam | 1269 |
Aquinas, Thomas | In VIII libros Physicorum | 1265 |
Aquinas, Thomas | De ente et essentia | 1256 |
Aquinas, Thomas | In Libros Posteriorum | 1268 |
Aquinas, Thomas | Super Boetium De Trinitate | 1258? |
Aquinas, Thomas | Super Sent., lib. 2 d. 3 q. 1 pr | 1254 |
Aquinas, Thomas | Quodlibet XI 6 | 1272 |
Aquinas, Thomas | De Aeternitate Mundi | 1270 |
Augustine | De mendacio | 395 |
Augustine | Confessions (Book XI only) | 396 |
Augustine | Confessiones (Complete) | 396 |
Augustine | De Civitate Dei | 413 |
Bacon, Francis | Novum Organum | 1620 |
Boethius | Tractatus de hebdomadibus | 520 |
Boethius | De Trinitate | 520 |
Buridan, J. | Quaestiones in analytica posteriora (question 4 only) | 1335? |
Burley, Walter | Quaestiones in librum Perihermenias (1301) Question 4 | 1301 |
Cantor, Georg | Extracts | 1880s |
Cantor, Georg | Uber ein elementare Frage der Mannigfaltigkeitslehre | 1890 |
Case, Thomas | Logic (Encyclopedia Britannica) | 1911 |
Grosseteste | De Luce | 1215 |
Joachim, H. | The Nature of Truth | 1906 |
Joseph, H.W.B. | An Introduction to Logic (extract) | 1906 |
Joyce, G.H. | Principles of Logic | 1908 |
McTaggart, John Ellis | The Unreality of Time | 1908 |
Mill, J.S. | A System of Logic (extract) | 1843 |
Ockham, William | Summa Logicae | 1318 |
Ockham, William | Expositio in librum Perihermenias Aristotelis (sections 2-16 only) | 1323 |
Porphyry | Isagoge | 268 |
Prior, A.N. | Thank Goodness That's Over | 1959 |
Reid, Thomas | Aristotle's Logic | 1774 |
Russsell, Bertrand | The Principles of Mathematics (extracts) | 1903 |
Russsell, Bertrand | On Denoting | 1905 |
Wittgenstein | Some remarks on logical form | 1929 |
Works written before the Common Era
Author | Title | Approx. date |
Aristotle | Metaphysics | BC 335? |
Aristotle | Peri Hermenias | BC 370? |
Aristotle | Liber Physicorum | BC 340? |
Aristotle | Liber Posteriorum Analyticorum | BC 370? |
Aristotle | Liber Praedicamentorum | BC 370? |
Julius Caesar | De Bello Gallico | BC 46? |
Cicero | Topica | BC 44 |
Cicero | De Divinatione | BC 45 |