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The big six
- Aristotle - particularly On interpretation and Posterior Analytics. Not forgetting Metaphysics VII.
- Augustine
- Boethius
- Aquinas
- Scotus - particularly Ordinatio I and Ordinatio II
- Ockham - particularly Summa Logicae
New articles

“Few, very few, for a hundred years past, have broken the repose of the immense work of the schoolmen”. [1]
- Four manuscripts on sophismata: Roma Vat. Lat. 2137, Roma Vat. Lat. 2138, Roma Vat. lat. 7678, Roma Vat. lat. 3061 (25 Sep 2024)
- De anima: parallel Greek/Latin/English (29 Mar 2024)
- Per se (28 Feb 2024)
- Book I Question 1 of Buridan's questions on the Posterior Analytics (13 Feb 2023)
- Ockham Summa Logicae Part II Chapter 16 English translation (13 Feb 2023)
- Intentional inexistence, on the sources for Brentano's conception of intentionality (9 July 2021)
- Aristotle's Prior Analytics for the first time in the Logic Museum, parallel Greek, Latin English (17 Apr 2021)
- New English translations of Chapter 6 and Chapter 9 of the second part of the great Summa Logicae (16 Mar 2021)
- Parallel English translation of Scotus' by Peter Simpson of Scotus's Ordinatio now available from Ordinatio I Dist.33 to the end of Dist. I. (2 Feb 2021)
- Ockham Summa Logicae 2.33 on the disjunctive proposition, now with English translation (30 November 2020)
- Roger Swyneshed's Insolubilia now online, with translation by Stephen Read (9 July 2020)
- Aristotle Physics book VI: now with parallel Greek, and better anchoring to Bekker (4 July 2020)
- Se habere A page of translation examples of this difficult expression (28 Oct 2018)
- Aristotle Physics book IV: now with parallel Greek (7 Oct 2017)
- Parallel English translation of Scotus' discussion of individuation, *Ordinatio* Book II d.3 questions 1-7. Translation by Prof. Peter Simpson (City University of New York). Includes helpful footnotes and links to Aristotle's Metaphysics (29 Jan 2017)
- Parallel version of Genesis 2-3. Transliterated Hebrew, Greek, Latin and two English versions (17 Dec 2016)
- English translation of Ockham's discussion of 'begging the question' (6 Nov 2016)
- Divine simplicity and negative theology - sources on the subject from Aristotle to Wittgenstein (9 Oct 2016)
See also New pages list.
Currently working on
- Posterior analytics
- Prior analytics
- Authors/Ockham/Scriptum in libros sententiarum/Book I/D2
- Authors/Ockham/Summa Logicae/Book II
- Authors/Duns_Scotus
- Authors/Ockham
- Authors/Duns_Scotus
- English translation by Peter Simpson of the Ordinatio Prologue and distinctions 1 and 2 now available.
- New page of links to Wadding-Vivès.
- Authors/Roger_Bacon
- Aquinas commentary on the Metaphysics
- Antonius' commentary on the metaphysics
Currently reading
Main categories
Other useful Categories
- Category:Manuscripts
- Category:Projects
- Category:Websites
- Category:Philosophers
- Category:Journals
- Category:Encyclopedias
- Category:Societies
- ↑ "The history of literature like that of empire is full of revolutions. Our public libraries are cemeteries of departed reputations and the dust accumulating upon their untouched volumes speaks as forcibly as the grass that waves over the ruins of Babylon. Few, very few, for a hundred years past have broken the repose of the immense work of the Schoolmen. (Henry Hallam, View of the State of Europe in the Middle Ages, 1818).