Authors/Ockham/Summa Logicae/Book III-1
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- 1 Colour codes
- 2 On the categorical syllogism
- 3 On modal syllogisms
- 4 On mixed syllogisms
- 4.1 Necessary and assertoric
- 4.2 Possible and assertoric
- 4.3 Contingent and assertoric
- 4.4 Impossible and assertoric
- 4.5 Assertoric and other modal propositions
- 4.6 Necessary and possible
- 4.7 Necessary and contingent
- 4.8 Necessary and impossible
- 4.9 De necessario and oher modals
- 4.10 Possible and contingent
- 4.11 Possible and impossible
- 4.12 Possible and other modals
- 4.13 Contingent and other modals
- 5 Other kinds of syllogism
Colour codes
Chapter headings are colour coded to indicate the stage of the translation process. 'Reviewed' means that another competent translator has checked the work section by section. 'Authorised' means that a member of a specialist panel has reviewed the whole translation, and approved it.
- Not translated - see template:Not translated
- Translated but not checked - see template:Translated not checked
- Checked by translator - see template:Checked by translator
- Reviewed - see template:Reviewed
- Authorised - see template:Authorised
On the categorical syllogism
- Chapter 1 On the divisions and definitions of syllogisms.
- Chapter 2 Of certain preliminaries before we turn to the main subject.
- Chapter 3 On syllogisms of the first figure.
- Chapter 4 In which the claims of the previous chapter are proved.
- Chapter 5 For seeing when a syllogism is regulated by the dici de omni and when not.
- Chapter 6 On the sufficiency of the moods of the first figure
- Chapter 7 How the many arguments, which seem to contradict what was said above, are resolved.
- Chapter 8 That the major in the first figure can appropriately be singular and that the same conclusion follows as if it were universal.
- Chapter 9 On syllogisms from assertoric propositions taken in the oblique case.
- Chapter 10 On syllogisms in the second figure from propositions in the nominative case.
- Chapter 11 On the reduction of syllogisms of the second figure into the four modes of the first figure
- Chapter 12 On syllogism [from propositions] in the oblique case in the second figure.
- Chapter 13 On how sometimes there is a good argument from affirmative propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 14 On syllogisms of the third figure, and the sufficiency of their modes.
- Chapter 15 On syllogisms from propositions in the oblique case, in the third figure.
- Chapter 16 On expository syllogisms in the third figure.
- Chapter 17 On syllogisms from propositions in the past and future [tense] in the first figure.
- Chapter 18 On syllogisms from propositions in the past and future [tense] in the second figure.
- Chapter 19 On syllogisms from propositions in the past and future [tense] in the third figure.
On modal syllogisms
- Chapter 20 On the uniform generation of syllogisms from de necessario propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 21 On uniform syllogisms from de necessario propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 22 On uniform syllogisms from de necessario propositions in the third figure.
- Chapter 23 On uniform syllogisms from de possibili propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 24 On uniform syllogisms from de possibili propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 25 On uniform syllogisms from de possibili propositions in the third figure.
- Chapter 26 On uniform syllogisms from de contingenti (non necessary) propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 27 On uniform syllogisms from de contingenti propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 28 On uniform syllogisms from de contingenti propositions in the third figure.
- Chapter 29 On uniform syllogisms from de impossibili propositions
- Chapter 30 How it is possible to syllogise from other modal propositions which are not usually called 'modal' in the sense above.
On mixed syllogisms
Necessary and assertoric
- Chapter 31 On the mixture of necessary and assertoric propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 32 On the mixture of necessary and assertoric propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 33 On the mixture of necessary and assertoric propositions in the first figure.
Possible and assertoric
- Chapter 34 On the mixture of assertoric and possible propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 35 On the mixture of assertoric and possible propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 36 On the mixture of assertoric and possible propositions in the third figure.
Contingent and assertoric
- Chapter 37 On the mixture of assertoric and contingent (non necessary) propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 38 On the mixture of contingent and assertoric propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 39 On the mixture of contingent and assertoric propositions in the third figure.
Impossible and assertoric
- Chapter 40 On the mixture of assertoric and impossible propositions.
Assertoric and other modal propositions
- Chapter 41 On the mixture of assertoric propositions, and other modal propositions modified by 'known', 'doubted', 'per se in the first mode', and so on in the first figure.
- Chapter 42 On the mixture of such modes and and assertoric propositions, in the second figure.
- Chapter 43 On the mixture of such modes and and assertoric propositions, in the third figure.
Necessary and possible
- Chapter 44 On the mixture of necessary and possible propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 45 On the mixture of necessary and possible propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 46 On the mixture of necessary and possible propositions in the third figure.
Necessary and contingent
- Chapter 47 On the mixture of necessary and contingent propositions in the first figure.
- Chapter 48 On the mixture of necessary and contingent propositions in the second figure.
- Chapter 49 On the mixture of necessary and contingent propositions in the third figure.
Necessary and impossible
- Chapter 50 On the mixture of necessary and impossible propositions.
De necessario and oher modals
- Chapter 51 On the mixture of de necessario propositions and of other modes from those four in the first figure.
- Chapter 52 On the mixture of de necessario propositions and of other modals in the second figure.
- Chapter 53 On the mixture of de necessario propositions and of other modals in the third figure.
Possible and contingent
- Chapter 54 On the mixture of possible and contingent in the first figure.
- Chapter 55 On the mixture of possible and contingent in the second figure.
- Chapter 56 On the mixture of possible and contingent in the third figure.
Possible and impossible
- Chapter 57 On the mixture of possible and impossible in every figure.
Possible and other modals
- Chapter 58 On the mixture of de possibili propositions and of other modals in the first figure.
- Chapter 59 On the mixture of de possibili propositions and of other modals in the second figure.
- Chapter 60 On the mixture of de possibili propositions and of others in the third figure.
Contingent and other modals
- Chapter 61 On the mixture of de contingenti propositions and of other modals in the first figure.
- Chapter 62 On the mixture of de contingenti propositions and of other modals in the second figure.
- Chapter 63 On the mixture of de contingenti propositions and of other modals in the third figure.
Other kinds of syllogism
- Chapter 64 On the mixture of other modal propositions than the previous four.
- Chapter 65 On syllogisms made from propositions having several exponents.
- Chapter 66 On syllogisms made from exclusives.
- Chapter 67 On syllogisms made from exceptives.
- Chapter 68 On hypothetical syllogisms.